Vision of the Symposium

Create a regional knowledge and partnership-based platform that helps harness the power of youth involvement in Agriculture and the potential of agricultural innovation, environment preservation, food sovereignty, investments, and connected supply chains in Africa.

Mission of the Symposium

The mission of the symposium is to set in motion an initiative that allows practical knowledge sharing, export readiness, and exposure to systems, businesses, enablers, and innovations in order to build robust frameworks and agro-industrial companies, with enhanced human capital, interconnected networks of experts, well-structured and accessible markets, and opportunities for sustained collaborations.

Various Topics for the Symposium

Strengthening AgriFood Supply Chains in Africa



  • Knowledge Sharing and Partnerships Building


  • Youth involvement in Agriculture


  • AgriFood Supply Chains


  • Connected, fair, and efficient African markets


  • Competitive African Agri-MSMEs


  • Participation in Regional and Global Value Chains


  • Private Sector for export-oriented growth strategy


  • High-impact investment opportunities

Structure of the Event

The forum is structured in a manner to suit varied needs and diverse stakeholder expectations. The various themes are discussed in breakdown sessions to allow a more thorough understanding of the issues:

  • Panel Sessions: main sessions and discussions will be held in an auditorium with 500 in-person participants and thousands of virtual participants via Zoom, Facebook Live and YouTube Live;


  • A variety of secondary rooms for BreakOut Sessions: A variety of sessions on the same topic with a different focus: distribution of participants based on interest;


  • A variety of Sub Events rooms: orientations, coaching, matchmaking


  • An assortment of Deal Rooms: Investors and private sector companies are available to meet, discuss, network, and seal deals with entrepreneurs;


  • Open Market/Exhibitions: The villages are set up to showcase products and services as well as innovations that are representative of the African ‘agripreneurial’  potential


  • African Countries representation: Many African countries will be represented and a Rainbow of African expertise and diversity will be displayed


The Objectives of the Event


Register Here

Register for the Event

Seize the unique opportunity of accessing practical and applicable knowledge in agricultural practices and approaches.

Network with experts in the sector, fellow agriculture enthusiasts and agripreneurs and position your business on top of its industry.



Register for the Innovation Fair

 Register for a unique opportunity to showcase your innovation to the 5 regions of Africa, its experts, investors and YOUR FUTURE CLIENTS.



Register for the Match Making

Register for an empowering connect session among solutions, products and services providers and their clients



Sponsor The Event

Sponsor the Event and benefit from the visibility of your choice, Gold, Silver, or Bronze.


The third edition of the PanAfrican Agriculture Symposium offers the greatest chance for visibility to farmers, value chain actors, digital agriculture actors, investors, partners, solutions, products, and service providers in order to attract and keep clients.


The Innovation Fair is an exceptional occasion to

give your business along with its products and services the high level exposure and attention it needs to thrive.