Executive Chair

Our youth needs role models and we have come to realize that we don’t need to import them
anymore, we have great inspiring young leaders in our midst….
We live in an era of possibilities and a continent of all opportunities; yes wherever you see
problems and difficulties; you surely will find opportunities to bring solutions to the problems
and difficulties.
It is high time African youth get aware of their potentials and responsibilities. We are gifted
with fertile lands, rich soils, great climates and amazing landscapes and environment but
what do we do of it? We sell it out to enrich ourselves, we destroy our rainforests, and
inundate our environments with filth and harmful stuff for the environment.
It is high time we take our responsibilities in our hands and stop waiting for a Messiah to lend
us a magic wand to remove all our problems.
Let’s stop wishing and hoping for development, let’s work towards it, let’s make technological
advancement our first ally and global preparedness for entrepreneurship our second one,
and our need for an Africa our ancestors will be proud of as our strongest one.
We need more Thomas Sankara, Paul Kagame and Nelson Mandelas to make this continent
what it is meant to be.
My organization Craving4Development and its main project The Ignition Hour has a mission
of empowering the African youth with the requisite developmental skills to be independent,
pro-active, self-reliant and assertive in order to be a difference and make an impact in
Let us all dare to endeavor and aspire to greatness, profound change through social
entrepreneurship, skills development and above all else determination to succeed.
I wish to witness a change in mindsets and attitudes amongst the African youth where
ineptitude is totally eliminated and entrepreneurship is promoted and that, I wish to happen
very soon.
But I do not only wish for it and hope for it, I work with passion and belief towards it…. And
we all should and will do…
If the enthusiasm towards entrepreneurship and innovations and the continent-wide
eagerness to rewrite our history and create a more attractive legacy do not cease, trust me
Africa is heading straight to development….
But that development will remain a mere aspiration if we do not consent to change our
attitudes towards knowledge seeking, respect and management of time, idle activities and
the likes…….
To make the aspiration become our reality, we need a youth that prioritises expertise over
qualification, practicality over theory and make believe, efficiency over representativity and a

youth that picks up from the street but that do not add to the already discouraging

Are we equipped enough to be that youth, are we ready to be that youth……….. And mind
you, when rising to that height, please don’t let the person next to you behind, lift them up
with you……
Thank you…..